We are out of time. We are finally in the first week of May and it's crunch time. Deadlines are rapidly approaching, paperwork is due, contracts are being sent out and our minds are ready to pop. 

Everyone that hears you work at music festivals and live events thinks your life is so awesome and fun - I am certainly not disagreeing -... but, you never think about the paperwork, endless spreadsheets and pre-production work that needs to be done long before arriving on site to finally put it all in action. Our personnel coordinator has been emailing hundreds of staff and volunteer candidates, built schedules and drafted contracts. Our operations manager has been staring at maps and writing standard operating procedures for months and our Lead Supervisor has been negotiating contracts, sourcing equipment and building working relationships since this dream of SEED began. To say that we have put our all into this project would be an understatement. 

Starting a business takes drive, determination, heart and soul and we are certainly not lacking in any of those areas. The thought that all of this work is finally going to come to a head, and we are finally going to be out on that beautiful site putting all these plans into action and creating this amazing experience for tens of thousands of people to enjoy over one weekend is almost overwhelming. It's what makes all this hard work so worth it to us. We don't do this for money, we don't do this for recognition, we do this because nothing makes us happier than being a part of something so incredible and helping to create something for all these people to enjoy. That moment on Saturday when you get to take a step back and see everyone finally in the festival, smiling from ear to ear and having the greatest time is why we all do what we do. It's what gives us that warm, fuzzy feeling of a job well done. 3-4 months of hard work, stress and anxiety all for those 5 days and then onto the next gig. 

We live a crazy life, always driving somewhere, meeting new people and adapting to new environments... and we wouldn't have it any other way.